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アミノ酸のトリプトファンが不足すると、食欲と炭水化物に対する欲求をコントロールする神経伝達物質のセロトニンの不足を招き、肥満の原因になります 。
Patients with Obesity Have Reduced Plasma Tryptophan Concentration
Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that controls appetite and carbohydrate craving. Serotonin is produced from tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan. The blood concentrations of tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan determine the brain concentration of serotonin. This paper shows that patients with obesity have low concentrations of circulating tryptophan. They have a deficiency of blood tryptophan. This deficiency does not return to normal after the obesity is reduced. Thus, patients with obesity require larger amount of ingested tryptophan and 5-hydroxytrptophan to suppress appetite and carbohydrate craving. Weight reduction diets with low calories and reduced proteins will further cause obese patients to experience hunger and sugar craving. Weight reduction in obese patients will require management of tryptophan deficiency.
Twenty-four-hour plasma tryptophan concentrations and ratios are below normal in obese subjects and are not normalized by substantial weight reduction
reum,L.; Rasmussen,M.H.; Hilsted,J.; Fernstrom,J.D.

Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, HS Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Hvidovre, Denmark. rklbr@ra.dk

Am.J.Clin.Nutr. 77:1112-1118:2003

BACKGROUND: Plasma tryptophan concentrations and the ratio of tryptophan to other large neutral amino acids (plasma tryptophan ratio) are reportedly low in obese subjects. The plasma tryptophan ratio predicts brain tryptophan uptake and serotonin production. If this ratio is low in obese subjects, serotonin function may also be low. Plasma tryptophan concentrations and ratios have been measured only at single time points in obese subjects; it is not known whether low values for these 2 variables persist throughout a 24-h period. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine whether plasma tryptophan concentrations and ratios in obese subjects are lower than those in normal-weight subjects throughout a 24-h period and whether they increase when body weight is reduced. DESIGN: Plasma tryptophan concentrations and ratios were examined in obese subjects before and after weight loss and in nonobese control subjects. Blood samples were drawn frequently throughout the 24-h period. An insulin tolerance test was also used to determine whether weight loss altered the ability of insulin to modify plasma concentrations of tryptophan and of the other large neutral amino acids. RESULTS: Plasma tryptophan concentrations and ratios in obese subjects were low at all times; these effects persisted after weight reduction. Plasma concentrations of all the large neutral amino acids decreased during insulin infusion in all the groups. CONCLUSIONS: The low 24-h plasma tryptophan ratios in obese and formerly obese subjects suggest that brain tryptophan uptake may be continuously diminished and may remain below normal despite weight reduction
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